Women's Center of Jacksonville


The Women’s Center of Jacksonville is a non-profit, community-based resource center dedicated to improving the lives of women. Providing educational, mental health counseling, peer support, and rape victim advocacy services, WCJ is the certified Rape Crisis Center for Duval, Nassau, and Baker counties and provides forensic exams for sexual assault survivors of all genders over the age of 18.

The concept behind this poster and ad campaign is to display a safe and nurturing environment where women can go to receive support, provide a place to recover, and heal.

I chose butterflies to represent survivors, broken wings representing trauma, and healed wings to represent recovery, growth, and healing. The diversity of the butterflies represents the many women who have healed from their trauma. "You're Safe Here" is to remind the audience that this is a safe place where they can receive help and support as they heal.

Brochure flat (outside)

Brochure flat (inside)


Creating a brochure for WCJ was to spread awareness in a more accessible way, it's a quick read and easy to fold back up and carry with you. This is something that could be offered at doctors offices, universities, any women's health facilities. Shares a quick description and mission statement, accompanied by imagery of flowers, women, and illustrations of butterflies.


P5 : Taste of Sicily


P7 : The Cookie Bakery